Zoology Optional Preparation Strategy for UPSC Exam

Zoology Optional Preparation Strategy for UPSC Exam

Zoology Optional Preparation Strategy for UPSC

To crack the UPSC exam and serve the nation is a dream for many. And to be closer to your dream, it is important to take the right decision to choose the right optional subject. Zoology Preparation Strategy for UPSC is one of the optional subjects that you can choose from the set of options you have. But, this subject can be only chosen by those who have a previous background in Zoology or study related to this field. Others can find it a bit difficult to handle and proceed with. 

So, if you are the one who has a degree in Medical Sciences, you can pursue this subject. It is a very popular subject among aspirants with relevant backgrounds. This subject also has topics that overlap with the GS syllabus that can act as an added advantage of pursuing. The optional subject plays a very crucial role in deciding your rank, so you need to prepare well for it and don’t consider it lightly. 

Zoology is a very interesting subject that has even a high potential of scoring well in the examination. If you adopt a proper preparation strategy then you can surely excel in this subject. But, from where to start with? With this article, you will get deeper insights that you can start your preparation and make a good strategy to succeed. 

Preparation Strategy

#1. Choose good books

Zoology demands that you read extensively and thoroughly about the topics. This subject mostly concentrates upon the various facts and figures so you should go for quality books for your study. If you choose good books then it also gives you deeper insights into the topics and you can learn better.

It will also boost your confidence level and you can learn to a great extent. You can revise the concepts regularly to have a smooth grip over the subjects. If you make wise decisions while preparation you will surely bore fruits for the same. 

#2. Prepare your notes

Once you have got the books, then merely reading the books won’t be fruitful. You go through the topics once and for the other time when you want to recollect them, then you have to do a lot of struggle. This situation occurs when you don’t write while studying. If you prepare your short notes while studying then it will not only help you to remember things better but it will also help you to present things in a better way. 

These handwritten notes will also come to the rescue when you want to revise the concepts. You can also retain various facts and figures by properly writing the notes. So, never ignore this part of preparation. 

#3. Practice answer writing

There is no use in grasping the things if you can’t present them well. So, if you want to present your answers in a very precise and accurate way that can fetch you more marks, you need to practice answer writing. By practicing this you will know the relevant information that you should include in your answer and how precise and accurate you can make them.

You should also cite proper terminologies and words while writing the answers because it will assure the evaluator that you have studied properly. Try including diagrams wherever possible so that it can give a better idea about your understanding. You will gain more confidence in answer writing by preparing this way and all your hesitation and fears will just shoo away. 

#4. Balance your time

While preparing for the optional subject don’t see it as mere optional and it is not important. Have a study plan in which you should invest proper time for this optional subject also. Because if you don’t study regularly then this can pose a problem for you at the time of the UPSC Exam. If you give proper time to Zoology and study with other subjects in a balanced manner then you can surely score well in it.

Practice well for your optional subject because it has the great power to flip your rank upside down. Don’t take much stress, just go on with the flow and keep studying the topics. If you find difficulty in some topic then you should give some extra time to assimilate it. 

#5. Go for the previous years paper

Practicing the previous year’s papers is one of the ultimate gateways that can give you a sneak peek at the actual exam. Make sure that you should practice at least previous 4-5 years question papers. It will help you evaluate your grip with the topics and your answer writing will also be boosted. 

If you can solve a good number of previous years’ papers then you can handle the burden of pressure and time easily that you will encounter on the day of the exam. Never step back to give your 100% so that you can come out with flying colors. 

Bottom Line

Zoology Preparation Strategy for UPSC is one of the most scoring optional subjects with less competition. If you are from a Medical Sciences background, then you can work in this subject. Just jot down a proper preparation strategy that applies to you. You just need to practice and revise well to get good scores in this subject because it is interlinked to facts and statistics. Give your best shot and don’t underestimate yourself. If you are determined to achieve something, then no matter what your hard work and your persistent efforts will surely land you closer to it.

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