UPSC Exam preparation- some must follow don’ts for assured success

UPSC Exam preparation- some must follow don’ts for assured success

Prelims are about to approach and very little time is left. I hope you are ready with the well-planned learning strategy that will surely get the success for you. By now, you must have detailed your learning program and following the daily routine strictly.

As time passes, it’s quite possible that you feel a little confused about the viability of your learning strategies. It’s obvious with every aspirant. Instead of feeling scared of the exam, you may ease out yourself with some ‘Not to do’ things that will let you head back on your target. Let’s read about those “don’ts” that you must follow while heading towards final preparation.

Don’t neglect writing practice:

well, that’s the most common mistake committed by most IAS aspirants. Most of you give preference to reading and learning in place of writing. You must counter the writing practice too. Remember, writing is as important as learning the concepts. It helps in retaining the things in mind for long. Also, it helps in improving the writing speed which ultimately aids in exam writing. Also, you can revise the things in a better way with the help of writing practice.

Negligence in revision:

another common mistake followed by most of the students. Revision is another important aspect that recalls attention but most of you failed to acknowledge it. You should make a practice to revise every concept or subject thoroughly. Remember, revision leads you to those untouched topics which are also important but left due to some of the other reasons. Also, the revision will let you aware of your actual position for the final exam.

Don’t ever consider the UPSC as a burden:

Remember, you can’t give you complete performance, unless and until you enjoy the process. Once you start enjoying the journey to your dream career, you will surely reach success with all your hard efforts. Don’t take the exam as a burden. Either enjoy it and you will soon develop new energy in your efforts that take you to a new world of opportunities.

Don’t follow those long-term breaks during studies:

Are you in a habit to take frequent breaks during studies and often forget to continue even after a long nap? Well, that’s another common issue faced by students. It’s obvious that after a long study, you need a short break to rejuvenate yourself but that must be short enough to refresh you. Don’t make those short breaks into never-ending ones otherwise; you have to pay off a huge loss in the long run.

Success depends upon your efforts and you must correct yourself by following the advice given by the experts. You must be in touch with the best coaching institute for Public Administration and implement the advice for better and assured results.

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