UPSC Civil Services Final Result 2019 is out

UPSC Civil Services Final Result 2019 is out

UPSC Civil Services Final Result 2019 is out

Are you one of those who were desperately waiting for the UPSC Civil Services Final Result 2019? The wait is finally over. The most anticipated result of this prestigious exam is declared on the 4th of August 2020.

Who cracked the UPSC Exam?

In 2019, more than 5 lac aspirants appeared for the exam; only 829 managed to clear it. Pradeep Singh has topped the Civil Services Exam (CSE) 2019. The second rank is secured by Jatin Kishore and Pratibha Verma grabbed the 3rd Rank. Pratibha Verma is the highest scorer among the women candidates.

The written exam was held in September 2019 and the interviews for personality tests were held in February-August. Collectively 829 candidates have cleared both the exams.

Here is the list of the top 10 rank holders of UPSC CSE 2019:

Rank 1: Pradeep Singh

Rank 2: Jatin Kishore

Rank 3: Pratibha Verma

Rank 4: Himanshu Jain

Rank 5: JEYDEV C S

Rank 6: Vishakha Yadav

Rank 7: Ganesh Kumar Baskar

Rank 8: Abhishek Saraf

Rank 9: Ravi Jain

Rank 10: Sanjita Mohapatra

The UPSC 2019 topper Pradeep Singh comes from the small village in Sonipat – Tewri village. He has set another example of passion and persistence. He has proved, that you need not belong to a big city to be successful.

Pratibha who topped amongst the female candidates has appeared for the exam last year also. “Last year I got 489th rank. I quickly realized the mistakes I made there. I worked hard on her weakness. Started writing well-rounded answers And also the past experiences helped,” says Pratibha Verma.

This year 304 qualified candidates are from the general category. These candidates have been recommended for

  • Indian Administrative Service (IAS),
  • Indian Foreign Service (IFS)
  • Indian Police Service (IPS), and
  • Central Services, Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B

Rest of the candidates belong to the following categories

EWS – 78 candidates
OBC – 251 candidates
SC – 129 candidates
ST – 67 candidates

The appointment to the different services will be made rendering to the number of vacancies available with due consideration to the provisions contained in the Rules for the Examination.

How to check the result?

If you haven’t checked the results yet, you can do now, by following these steps

  • Visit the official website of UPSC i.e. or
  • Click on the result link.
  • Log-in using credentials.
  • You can see the results on your screen.
  • You can download it and take a print out for further reference.

In case you need some information or clarification in regard to your exam, result or recruitment you can call on telephone nos. 011- 23385271 / 23381125 / 23098543 (on the working days between 10:00 hours and 17:00 hours).

Closing Words

Appearing and clearing the most prestigious exam in India is a great honour. It takes great courage and months & years of determined effort to get through.

This year the preliminary exam which was scheduled to be held on May 31, 2020, was postponed due to the COVID-19 situation. The exam is now scheduled to happen on 4th October.

But every obstacle is an opportunity! While this virus has left the entire world in a difficult situation; it has given some extra time to the aspirants to prepare for their UPSC exam 2020.

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