Time Management Tips You Must Know During UPSC Preparation

Time Management Tips You Must Know During UPSC Preparation

Time Management Tips for IAS Preparation

Every IAS aspirant wants to be successful in the UPSC exam. In order to make this happen, you must have Time Management Tips for UPSC Preparation.

Your study plan should also include time management tips. Otherwise, it becomes difficult for you to undergo a successful IAS exam preparation.

Please remember! Efficient time management is the primary key to success. Do you want to be a winner? Then, make use of your time wisely.

#1. Importance of Time Management during UPSC Exam Preparation

Do you want to increase productivity as well as the efficiency of the study plan? Then, believe in your timetable strictly. You must agree to this point.

Having the study time table is the only way to cover the huge civil services exam syllabus. Good time management leads to a lower level of stress for IAS aspirants.

Let your preparation journey be easy and productive. I wish you all the success.

Generally, students are under immense stress and pressure. So, they fail to use their time properly. We can help you with the below time management tips.

Read this blog post thoroughly. It is up to you whether to implement or not. These tips will lift your IAS preparation to the next level.

Get ready to crack one of the challenging exams of our country. Wish you all the success. Keep your mind open and absorb all the important points.

#2. Practically Possible Timetable

Let your timetable be realistic in nature. It need not be strict always. So, this is your first step. Prepare a suitable and customized timetable.

Please do not assume that a strict timetable strives you towards success. It is wrong! Such a timetable will not help you in the long run. You might end up getting tired and losing interest.

So, set up small and achievable goals. Let it be on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Give some room for flexibility. You can easily manage the time.

Above all, ensure to be strictly committed to your targets. Never fail to attain them. Keep yourself punctual and the preparation will be smooth enough.

#3. Plan for Small Targets

The difficult targets are not going to help you in any way. Many of the IAS aspirants make this mistake in the beginning stages. You do not get stuck with this mentality.

It does not make any practical sense to achieve tough targets in a short time interval. Your first preference should be given to the UPSC syllabus and topics.

Try to understand all the important topics deeply. It will be helpful in a great way. You can do this instead of studying more number of topics in a limited time.

What happens when you make small and achievable goals? You can easily complete them. In turn, it builds confidence among the candidates.

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#4. Study in Different Parts

There are so many topics in the UPSC syllabus. How to cover all of them easily? The best strategy is to divide the large topic into smaller ones. Try to complete them in a fixed target.

It has helped many IAS aspirants to finish the preparation fast. Keep the difficult topics down so that you can learn them at the end. Because it consumes more time.

My suggestion is to start an easy topic in the beginning stages. Make sure they are easy to understand. Later, move on to the tough topics. Don’t you think it makes sense for the new learners?

#5. Prepare the Timetable in Organized Manner

All of us already know that UPSC Syllabus is very huge. If you do not organize them well, it is going to kill your preparation time.

Do not think it is easy to complete the entire syllabus within a limited time. However, following the right strategy makes it 100 percent possible.

All it demands is a well-organized timetable. So that you can cover the majority of the syllabus with ease. Many candidates fail in preparing such a timetable.

Keeping poorly organized timetable in hand, how can you even think of completing the UPSC syllabus? No! It is definitely not possible.

You are supposed to ask a few questions before drafting the study timetable. Here is the list of basic questions. Follow the Time Management Tips for UPSC Preparation

  • When have you planned to study?
  • How are you studying such a huge syllabus?
  • When do you want to finish the entire syllabus?

Keeping these questions in mind, please set up realistic study goals. You should be able to take each goal as a challenge and accomplish it before going to the next one.

Are you ready with all the required study resources? If not, please be with one good set of IAS Study materials. Do not make the mistake of searching the books during preparation time. It is just a waste of time.

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#6. Understand When to Give Up

Some topics are easy to understand. Whereas, some other topics are difficult to understand. However, keep one thing in mind. Please do not spend too much time on a single topic.

It will make you get bored. Also, you cannot study for other subjects. Most of your time would have lost in studying particularly that one difficult topic.

Do you also want to commit the same mistake? In such circumstances, you must know when to move ahead with other topics.

Select another topic in the queue. Later, dig out the pending topics with the help of expert guidance.

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#7. Breaks Are Very Important

Definitely true! UPSC preparation demands long hours of study. It is impossible without taking breaks. So, take small breaks in between the study period. It serves as a refreshment whenever you feel efficiency has reduced.

As a result, you will be able to grasp new topics with a fresh mind. Studying hard does not mean that you are supposed to sacrifice your health.

Take sufficient breaks and maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is good to take regular breaks. But, do not forget whatever you had studied before the break.

Do not feel lazy and extend your break time. It is not good. It will definitely harm your studies.

#8. Strictly Follow the Time Management Plan for Your Preparation

Never copy the other’s Time Management Tips for UPSC Preparation. It is the worst thing an IAS aspirant can ever do. Always go for a personalized study plan. Plan the study timetable which perfectly suits your ability.

You will come across many people giving you advice about preparing the timetable. but no need to implement all of them.

Keep your capability in mind. Do not get distracted. You know more about yourself than others. Take a chance and decide on how to prepare for the UPSC exam in the best possible manner.

Of course, be open to receive new ideas. Implementation is next! In the first place, believe in your study plan and then stick to the same with 100 percent concentration.

Suppose you feel that there might be a problem in the timetable you have designed, change it within 4 weeks. Do not take too much time to decide.

However, major changes are not entertained. An only small modification is good to implement. If you intend to change the entire study plan, it does not make any sense.

#9. Be Safe From Time Killers

I am referring to certain activities or people as time killers. You should be aware of such actions or people who end up wasting the time. It is of no benefit at all.

Some examples include unnecessary messages or long email threads. You might end up chatting with your friend on a useless topic for more than 30 minutes.

You might end up spending more than the required time on certain topics. It is again a time killer element. Learn when to say No and when to say YES.

Follow this rule. Do it just once! But do it effectively. Later do not blame these activities or people. It was you who did not have control over time.

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#10. Conclusion: Keep Yourself Calm

All the above tips help you to manage time as effectively as possible. Please do not allow anything or anyone to disturb you and Be focused on your Time Management Tips for UPSC Preparation. The best idea is to put a “Do Not Disturb” signboard outside your room.

Yes! This idea works out. Generally, people do not come inside your room even after seeing such a message. Finally, it helps you to be productive.

Make sure you go out only during the breaks you have already planned. Otherwise, emergency situations can be another reason. These are only a few tips we could list. It definitely helps you to seek a well-planned preparation strategy. Get started now! Do not waste time. Begin your planning with the help of these tips.

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