Best Time Management Tips for UPSC Prelims 2024

Best Time Management Tips for UPSC Prelims 2024

Time Management Tips for UPSC Prelims

Best Time Management Tips for UPSC Prelims 2024 – UPSC preliminary, the first stage of the Civil Service Examination is around the corner. There are less than 5 months left for the UPSC CSE 2024. The aspirants are at the peak of their study course. After investing months and months in the reading rooms, the time for the showdown is near. The best IAS Coaching Center in India is up with last-minute revision plans and crash courses.

At such point, one must understand the very idea behind proper time management and schedule planning. One must realize that the end months are very crucial and must be taken seriously. Aspirants must chalk out a plan for utilizing the time with optimum results. But why do we talk about time management? Let us first understand it.

Why time management?

Time and tide wait for none they say, very rightly. This time in UPSC preparation will never come back. And in an examination with such a vast syllabus, aspirants must envision what needs exactly what amount of time. Because technically it is impossible to give everything an equal amount of time is the syllabus has to be completed within the time bracket. Any additional information regarding the UPSC Syllabus and Questions can be found on the home website of the best UPSC Coaching in India.

Time management thus finds a vital application in the UPSC preparation. To shelf topic-wise distribution of effort and energy, aspirants should first start with the time it should be given. That is the very reason why toppers and experts time and again talk about schedule planning and correct time allotting.

Time management and UPSC Prelims

As per the preliminary pattern of the UPSC Examination the examination is held in two shifts of 2 hours each. The best IAS Coaching in India has talked about the UPSC exam pattern in their online forum.

PAPER 1 is of General Studies and PAPER 2 is of CSAT. Paper 2 which is CSAT if of qualifying nature and Paper 1 is the real game changer. So the aspirants must at all costs prepare a strategy to attempt PAPER 1 in 2 hours. 

The go about solving the paper, the amount of minutes each question requires and deciding what question to skip, all has to be done in 2 hours. For a better idea of marking scheme, you can switch to the forum discussion of Civil Service coaching in India.  Rest, the above mentioned checkpoints are the answers for why time management is important in UPSC preliminary. 

Tips and tricks for UPSC Prelims Preparation

Exactly how the question now is, following are some tips and tricks that are detailed by the experts themselves for achieving your goal.

  • Know your goals: Students should know their goals. There has to be clarity regarding the short term as well as long term goals. It must be prepared in the initial months.
  • Read Write Revise: The most effective study plan is to read the textbooks, make the personal notes and revise them again and again. Revision is the key. The Best IAS Academy in India has been providing simplified study material to the students for efficient revision.
  • Prioritize:  Aspirants must prioritize the goals and manage the resources. The approach for each stage of the examination is different and must be pursued likewise.
  • Know what to skip: The UPSC never asks the entire syllabus. There are few important areas that are tapped every year. Aspirants must know what not to read. The mentors in the best IAS Coaching Institution in India gives special guidance to the students regarding the important topics.
  • Take mock tests: Mock tests are very important for finally putting the plan into implementation. Mock test prepares the aspirants for the D-day. You should take up regular tests. The UPSC coaching classes in India furnishes some of the best sets of mock tests for UPSC prelims as well as mains.
  • Track your performance: What good is of the test series if it is not enhancing your performance? Tracking your growth is very important in prelims. The aspirant will get to know the loopholes and the areas of lag. They can then improve it.

Post prelims

The time between prelims and the mains is the most restless time for aspirants. There are about 9 papers that need to be thoroughly revised and prepared. The daily answer writing series are readily available by the best IAS Coaching in Delhi, India before mains. Aspirants must create a plan accordingly.

Take away

A delay in any form will keep on affecting the outcome. The work must be done at its appointed time and one must not waste the time. The IAS Coaching centers in India give time to the aspirants for revision and self-study post their integrated course. Students must be precise with their preparation plan for set results.