Time management for IAS preparation

Time management for IAS preparation

There are many aspirants preparing for IAS exams throughout our country that lacks behind in reaching this very important aspect of its preparation – Time management. All those students who have cracked these exams successfully in the past will surely swear on this. Nothing works more magical than well-planned management of their available time.

Start Early in life

As the old proverb goes “An early bird catches the worm”. It’s always better to set your target early and start the preparation for your goal. You will get more study time in hand and so in cases of emergency when you lose out some of your important study days, it will still be easy for you to pick up. You will also get to appear for more attempts in these exams in case you are dissatisfied with your result.

Study Smart if limited time left

“Better late than never”. Even if for some reason you decided on your goal little later in life, you still stand fair chances of success provided you set up a smart plan for yourself and work hard towards it. Now your first priority should be only your preparation for these exams since there is absolutely no time to waste on other things as you need to make up quickly for the already loss of time.

Well Planned Day

“Early to bed and early to rise; makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. All the successful people will swear on this old proverb. It’s scientifically proven that our grasping power is most receptive during the early hours of the morning. So whatever we do during those early hours of sunrise will stay in our mind fresh for long and will also help you understand the concepts better. So instead of studying until late at night, it’s better to get up early and start. The planning of the day needs to be a perfect balance of study and healthy breaks.

Give Time to Build Good Health

“A man too busy to take care of his health is just like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools”. This mistake is often done by many. People try to work hard non-stop and then end up falling sick or drained out mentally or physically. Never neglect your health. Begin your day with little physical exercises like a brisk jog or walk or maybe yoga. Eat right and on time throughout the day. These simple things will increase your work efficiency and you can concentrate more on your studies.  

Work Hard

“When the going gets tough; tough get going”. Since there are no short-cuts to success, simply stay focused on your exam preparations and work hard.

If you are working hard and working smart, you will surely crack the exams with great marks. Even the best IAS coaching in India can guide you with books and notes on your chosen subjects but a well planned time management will be the actual mantra of your success. So Best of Luck!