Prepare for IAS in Quality Time

Prepare for IAS in Quality Time

Have you fallen short of time for IAS preparation? Do not worry even if you have started a bit late compared to the other students, you still stand clear on the chances of success. To help you achieve your goal we present to you some awesome tips. It’s more important to spend quality time preparing for your exam than quantity time.

Begin with the right methodology

The first thing you need to do is to search for the most suitable IAS coaching classes for yourself. If you can join one then well and good but even if you can’t, don’t be disheartened because there is ample help available online. If your coaching center is near your home then obviously you will save a lot of travel time but even if your coaching center is little far, you can choose to study on the way.

This is indeed a very smart move to utilize your time in the best way. If you feel taking out books is difficult during your journey then simply read the newspapers and keep yourself updated with the current affairs. General knowledge and current affairs updates will help you tremendously in clearing these exams.

Make Your Own Notes

No matter where you are getting coached, you definitely need to make your own notes for quick reference. Just coaching is of no help until you know to spend quality time in self-study. The best and easiest way to do this is to quickly make your own notes of the topics you covered the same day. This will not just help you revise well about the topic but also give you chance to clear doubts immediately.

There is a famous saying “Strike the iron when the iron is hot”, holds very true for students who want to crack this UPSC civil service exam at the very first goes or  Join the Best IAS coaching institute of your area which can help you.

Take Quality Breaks

Another success mantra is to take quality breaks from your study time. Studying continuously for long hours will surely affect your concentration and so it’s always advisable to take breaks and use these breaks wisely. Half a day break weekly is a good idea which is tried by many toppers.

As Priytosh of CSE 2015 Rank 495, puts it in his words that periodic breaks and fighting mood swings were very helpful for his success. Half hour or one hour break is also very relaxing on a daily basis.

To make these breaks more useful watch some motivational video’s online or read article written by toppers. Spending time with your hobbies like painting, music etc is also a great way to relax your mind.

Try to minimize meeting people and friends as this may keep you distracted from your goal for longer hours.

Keep in mind that there is no shortcut to success. So just work hard, harder and hardest! Many people work hard but all don’t succeed. The reason behind this is lack of planning. So always focus on a well-planned study for these exams and the success is yours, surely.