Is Coaching Mandatory for IAS Preparation?

Is Coaching Mandatory for IAS Preparation?

ias coaching

Can I clear the IAS exam without coaching?” This question is quite common with most IAS aspirants. Almost every future IAS aspirant wants to clarify the doubts regarding the importance of coaching. Since the answer to this differs on the basis of preparation adopted by the candidate, most acknowledged persons or toppers claims a direct ‘No’ for it. It is believed that in today’s online age, it’s not mandatory to attend classroom coaching’s anymore.

But, how can someone clear the IAS exam without coaching?

It’s quite possible to clear the IAS examination without coaching by putting in hardcore efforts. Here hard work doesn’t mean that you have to follow those sleepless nights or truckload of preparation modules. Rather, a well-planned strategy and dedicated personnel are all required to bring the desired results.

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Getting into a coaching institute is bad?

No, no, not at all. It’s not bad to get into any IAS coaching institute unless, and until, the institute starts misguiding you.

There are coaching institutes who follow unevenly or say false practices to lure the candidates to get into the coaching program. Such practices will not bring any result to the candidate. Instead, he might get trapped in nuisance dreams which are hard to accomplish.

Thus, while getting into some coaching institutes, be aware to check out the profiles of the IAS passed out from the center. In your search for the profiles, you will find several candidates have not taken a bit of coaching from anywhere, still achieved the success.

If coaching is not mandatory, then why does it matter to most of the students?

Do you remember Eklavaya from Mahabharata, he achieved success in his endeavor without taking any coaching from anybody. Forget about these renowned names; just take your own example. While you are a small kid, you must have taken help from your parents to clear your doubts in your early days of learning and even now, you have often taken suggestions from your elders to beat out the pressure of life. Why? Why you do so? Though you know the answer, it’s always better to clear your doubts with good mentors to reduce your stress in half.

This is what coaching offers. It matters because it reduces the burden on the student’s mind and deports them with a clear insight into the relevant concepts and topics related to IAS exam preparation.

Wait, here we are not saying that you must attend IAS coaching classes to achieve success. We are just clearing the doubts on the relevant learning tricks.

Here are Some Resources to Check out:-

What actually coaching institutes do?

A very important question! Though every coaching institute claims to be the best resource junction for IAS aspirants who guide them on their way to become an IAS officer, lacks behind on their motive to provide the relevant guidance and knowledge.

Most coaching center provides the aspirants with an ocean study material comprising of the notes and the article and expects the students to go through them carefully. Do you think that’s fine? Means, if an aspirant has to prepare all by him, then what actually these coaching institutes do?

Coaching institutes must provide the candidate with the comprehensive study material with all the necessary handouts of relevant topics. Instead of making the candidate confused, a well-planned strategy of learning must be provided to make the aspirants achieve success in their exam attempt.

Here are Some Resources to Check out:-

How to clear IAS exam?

Unwanted course curriculum and loads of preparation pieces of advice often make you confused. Instead of following such complex nature of the study, be strict to your self-preparation module. Whether you take coaching additives or not, you have to be devoted to your self-study. Counsel the experts for bits of advice but follow a distinctive self-preparation module to achieve success in your journey.

A wisely planned learning strategy will always guide you towards the best result and that too with minimal stress.

One must understand that coaching classes have their own perspective, that might suit someone but not everyone. To achieve success, you have to fabricate your own study plan and take on the coaching institutes as a pool of resources, from where you have to fill your mug as per the requirement.

Here are Some Resources to Check out:-