IAS Prelims Preparation Checklist: The Do’s & Don’ts

IAS Prelims Preparation Checklist: The Do’s & Don’ts

Checklist to find the right way to achieve success in the IAS exam

Undoubtedly, IAS is the extremely competitive exam of the season that puts undeniable pressure on the students. Every student appearing for the exam wants to make a hit on the very first chance. To do so, the aspiring candidate needs to make each and every possible effort to lead the game by following the necessary guidance posed by the experienced people of the same field.

Best coaching institute for IAS in Delhi comes with some shortlisted Do’s & don’ts that will save you from those last-minute glitches, which are quite common to occur during exam trauma. Once you have prepared well for the IAS Prelims, just drop a look at the below mentioned do’s & don’ts and follow them for a clam and enjoyable exam experience.


Do carry a print out of the Admit card: In case, you haven’t received the admit card at your residence, you can easily take the print out of the same from the official website of IAS Coaching in Delhi. Before taking it for the exam, just give a look at the photograph printed on the admit card. In case, it is not clear, do carry your ID proof along with the Admit card, to avoid any issue.

Do carry a black ballpoint pen: Please remember that the answers on the OMR sheet will be marked via black ballpoint pen only. Thus, carrying it is must for you to avoid any tensed situation to arise.

Do carry a watch: It is advised to carry a watch with you to keep an eye on the timings left for attempting the paper. It’s better to carry one with you instead of asking others for the remaining time.

Do take a sound sleep, the previous night: Remember unnecessary stress will not take you anyway. To wipe out the stress, it is advised to take a sound sleep, before the exam day. It will keep you fresh, the other morning and you can confidently appear in the exam.

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Do not carry mobile phones or other gadgets: In the examination hall, gadgets like mobile phones or calculators are strictly prohibited. So, try not to carry the same. In case, you carry a mobile phone, try to place it in a bag before entering in the examination hall.

Do not try all questions: You must be aware that there is negative marking in the exam. Hence, try to avoid answering all the questions, even those, about which you are unsure of being correct. Choose those questions only on which you maintain a confirm surety.

Do not overlook questions: Most of you avoid some questions merely by reading the question in a glance. It may be possible that the question can easily get solved by using simple logic. So, avoid this habit and give proper time to every question.

While doing Civil Services preparation, you have countered each and every concerned thing to avoid any back-log. With the Do’s and Don’ts, you can easily avoid the common mistakes approached by most of the students. Just follow them and give your best in the exam.

IAS Interview Preparation tips & Trick to win the game

Becoming an IAS is not an easy task, but yes, if you have spirit, then it is also not impossible. It takes years of planning, sustained hard work and tones of self- belief to become an IAS officer. You begin at School, by mastering the basics of all subjects: especially history, geography, and science so that you get a good grip on General Studies. You hone your skills in the Constitution of India and the Indian Economy at college, while continuously building up your Current Affairs by reading newspapers and journals.