IAS Interview Preparation Tricks & Tips Win the Game

IAS Interview Preparation Tricks & Tips Win the Game

useful tricks to prepare IAS

Useful Tips and Tricks to Crack IAS Exams & Interview

If you are on a preconception that after finishing the IAS exam, you have conquered the tough journey towards a successful career move, then you are actually carrying a myth. The goal is yet to achieve as you are left to make the victory over the final stage of IAS preparation. Yes, it’s the IAS interview segment that will decide the result of your hardcore efforts and dedication.

Preparing for an IAS interview is something that recalls a student’s overall ability to help him in launching a successful career path. The interview is conducted to showcase a student’s overall knowledge, understanding, and skills for the most challenging career in the educational aura. Though interview marks carry a low percentile in the total marking ratio, it does affect the final results to a great extent. Thus, you need to be peculiar about giving your best and optimum to gain good scores in the final round.

During the questioning session, the interviewer posed pressure on evaluating the candidate’s personality traits such as confidence level, communication skills, and opinions. Thus, while preparing for the interview, a candidate must counter the following tips and follow them strictly to avoid any discrepancy.

  • The candidate must grasp each and every detail mentioned in the detailed application form.
  • Analysis of every word written in the form must be analyzed carefully as the interviewer can ask anything from it.
  • Points like the meaning of your name, origin of your birthplace, the popularity of your hometown, etc are important topics on which you can get questioned.
  • Always be ready to face the cross-questions asked on the points you have mentioned in your forms like sports and its related history, concerning topics about your hobbies & interests, questions carrying your educational background and related interests, etc.

Preparing the above points will surely give you a lead over the others in the competition. However, you must also be aware of the most common questions that carry a high probability to get struck during the interview. The questions will help you in leaving a positive and lasting impression on the interviewer. Let’s have a look at some common questions:

  • Why do you want to join civil services?
  • What if you failed to get selected?
  • How will you serve the country with your administrate capabilities?
  • Why should we choose you?

Apart from these questions, interviewers follow the policy to get candidates’ opinions on certain common issues that help them in analyzing the perception and personality of the candidate. The topics can be over issues like corruption, women empowerment, politics, and other current issues that provoke great discussion topics.

For great interview preparations, you must put in your best efforts with supreme dedication. I want, you can advice from the best coaching institute for IAS in India and sharpen your skills.

Always remember a person with honesty and great confidence is always preferred over others. So, be strict with your answers. In case you are unsure of anything, you can quit the question by saying no. it will not hamper your image but rather build up a strong image among the interviewers.

Useful Links

  1. IAS preparation-Should you move towards the decision on becoming an IAS?
  2. Select the Right IAS Coaching Center
  3. Top 10 Coaching Centers for UPSC in India
  4. UPSC Exam preparation- some must follow don’ts for assured success