How to prepare for Jamia UPSC Entrance Exam?

How to prepare for Jamia UPSC Entrance Exam?

UPSC Entrance Exam

In 1984, the University Grants Commission (UGC) incorporated a scheme regarding free coaching classes for competitive examinations including the UPSC Entrance Exam for students belonging to SC, ST, Minority, and women communities. To execute this idea The center of coaching and career planning runs free residential coaching programs. Funding for the same is provided by the University Grants Commission and Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India.

In Order to execute the idea central university Jamia Millia Islamia was selected as a residential coaching venue for IAS Preparation Tips. The center appointed qualified faculty with professional orientation to meet the requirements of the coaching programs. Jamia UPSC Entrance Exam Coaching center conducts an entrance exam every year to select students among all applicants. 

Objectives of Coaching:

  • Primary objective is to provide coaching facilities, testing and evaluation to enable the aspirants to succeed in various competitive examinations for recruitment to services under the central and state governments, public and private undertakings etc.
  • Coaching for various professional courses at one place in free of cost
  • Sharpen the communication skills and personality development.
  • Study material and library facilities to the aspirants

Facilities and features: 

  • Students are offered classroom teachings,
  • periodic tests and evaluation,
  • Library with relevant material on a variety of subjects,
  • Residential coaching program.
  • Scholarship of rupees 2000 per month for 20% students.
  • Jamia conducts a series of Mock Interviews and interactive sessions for the qualified students with the help of senior/retired bureaucrats and highly qualified academicians.

Selection criteria: 

  • Selection is the basis of an Entrance Test and Interview wherever required, and as notified.
  • Entrance exams can be conducted in both format, objective and subjective.
  • A nominal fee in cash/by postal order/demand draft in favor of Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, shall be payable at the time of the submission of application forms at the office of the Centre. However coaching shall be offered free of charge.

How to prepare for the Jamia UPSC Entrance Exam?

  • Aspirants must focus on GS and Essay writing followed by an Interview session. 
  • The written exam is in the form of GS (objective type) on UPSC model and Essay in Hindi, Urdu, English. Total duration is of Three hours. GS exam aspirants must refer to NCERT books of Xth, XII level. For graduation level reference books can be useful. 
  • A negative mark (one third mark) would be deducted for the wrong answer. As there  is a negative marking system, aspirants must avoid gambling with answers.  
  • Entrance test will be divided into two parts; Paper 1 and Paper 2. In paper 1 there are 60 questions of 60 marks. Paper 2 consists of Essay writing. There are two essays to write in this section with 30 marks each. 
  • For Interview There would be 30 marks allotted. For the interview round, aspirants must be aware of current GK topics. News channels and newspapers can be a good choice to update GK.. 
  • Graduation must be complete to apply for coaching.
  • Time management is a must in Jamia Islamia UPSC Entrance exance. For paper 1 there are 60 questions for 60 minutes. And two essays one hour for each. So aspirants must follow a strict time schedule. Failure to do so can be rejection from admission. 

Contact Details:

  • Centre for Coaching and Career Planning,
  • Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025 India
  • Phone: +91 (11) 26985492, 26981717 Extn- 4271, 4272
  • Email:
  • Website:-

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