How to Write an Effective Essay in UPSC Mains Exam

How to Write an Effective Essay in UPSC Mains Exam

How to Write An Essay IAS Exam

The UPSC Mains paper includes an essay paper in it. UPSC is the toughest exam, so an aspirant of UPSC must know the best essay writing tips & Techniques for UPSC Mains Exam. When you are preparing for UPSC, start focusing on easy writing from an early stage. It needs practice. You should know how you can score good marks by writing an essay. There are two papers of essay writing, both carry 125 marks each. It’s a big chance to score good marks by writing an effective essay. For better results, start regular exercise for essay writing.

So, here I am sharing Best Essay Writing Tips & Techniques for UPSC Mains Exam.

Essay Writing Tips :1 Understand the topic first

The first thing which you should remember is to understand the topic first. It’s very important when you write an essay for the IAS Exam. Better understanding will give good results. If you do not focus on a topic, you will miss the genuine things. An essay is based on reality, not on unnecessary theory. Never select a topic that is not known to you. Always focus on the topic on which you are confident.

Essay Writing Tips :2 Give A  Suitable Introduction

After selecting a topic, think of an introduction. The introduction is the start of your essay. If your introduction is not appropriate, your whole impression of the essay will ruin. You can start the introduction with a quote that suits your essay’s introduction. An introduction should be a brief of your essay. An examiner should know what is written inside your topic after reading the introduction.

Essay Writing Tips :3 Write an example

Giving examples is very important. It makes your topic trustworthy. Always make sure to give a true example. You can make your essay more effective by reading toppers’ written essays. Search online about how to give examples for making your essay presentable and relatable. More practice of essay writing will give you success.

Essay Writing Tips :4 Highlight the reality 

You can highlight the reality of your essay.  Examiner gets to know what you want to present to them by highlighting. If you are highlighting any of your text, make sure you are confident in it. Sometimes if the highlighted area of the essay is wrong, it shows a bad impression on the examiner. So, always highlight the important facts.

Essay Writing Tips :5 Time limit

Don’t waste your time by writing unnecessary things. Always keep in mind the time limit. Frame the structure of the essay in your mind then write it fast. Don’t overthink the points. Write what you remember first. Your mind should be focused on the topic and keep your eyes on time.

Essay Writing Tips : 6 Practice essays on general topics

Before exam practice for essays on a regular basis. You can take help online about how to write a Best Essay in IAS Exam. Choose general topics for practice. During practice try to add relatable data, quotes, and examples. It will give you ideas about writing an effective essay for the IAS Mains exam.

Use of subheadings

The use of subheadings makes your essay even more effective. Examiner gets to know your writing skills.

Use a good vocabulary

A good vocabulary is a must for essay writing. It shows your command overwriting. Practice makes writing perfect. Learn new words daily and write them on your notes. It will increase your vocabulary. A good vocabulary is a sign of a person who has a good command of the language. 


Handwriting should be good. Don’t use more colored pens for showing your writing. It will put a negative impression on the examiner. Keep your writing simple. Don’t make it fancy.

Conclusion of the essay

Summarise your essay in conclusion and end it with concluding points. End it with your vision. Include what you think and what you want to change in it. The conclusion must be short but relatable.

These are some important points that make your essay even more effective. You can score good marks by adding catchy facts. searching online about essay writing skills. Practice regularly for better results.

 I hope it will help your preparation.

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