Daily Current Affairs for UPSC

Daily Current Affairs for UPSC

Download free Current Affairs Study Material

Get free UPSC Current Affairs for IAS Preparation from the best IAS institutes in India

Current Affairs is a topic in UPSC Preparation which literally covers whatever comes under the sun. Technically speaking, you can be asked questions from any event which is happening across India and sometimes international also. 

Though, mastering current affairs is not possible even by the brilliant students. Therefore, you need to keep studying it every day. Newspapers are the best source to keep your current affairs update.

Apart from News Paper, you can also take the help of Magazines like Yojana & Kurukshetra to keep your current affairs updated. 

We at Pulse Phase try to help UPSC aspirants as much as possible thus we have created a portal. This portal will feature current affairs study materials from various IAS institutes in Delhi.

Why Current Affairs is so important for UPSC Preparation?

You are taking UPSC exams to get one of the most responsible jobs in India like IAS, IPS, IRS officer, etc. These positions hold several responsibilities to uplift society. And, without knowing what is happening across the country, he or she can make a better judgment. 

After all, UPSC doesn’t make IAS or IPS. It hires IAS & IPS. You always need to remember this. Therefore, it is very important for the UPSC aspirants to be updated with what’s happening in the country or the world.

Major Questions are asked from Current Affairs and if you don’t make it your forte (strong point) then you are really going to have a tough time ahead in your UPSC preparation.  

If you wish to download free Daily Current Affairs for UPSC then you are at the right place. We constantly update Current Affairs for IAS on several topics prepared by highly educated teachers. These all teachers are from the best IAS coaching institute in Delhi. 

What toppers say about Current Affairs

Every successful candidate has always found it difficult to master current affairs. Therefore, they followed their own rules on what to read and what not to read. They referred to the best study materials available for Current Affairs for IAS Preparation. 

Every topper or every successful candidate has always suggested having command over UPSC Current Affairs. Particularly, almost everyone suggests following three different sources for the UPSC Preparation. 

Moreover, they all emphasize one more thing which is making your own notes of Current Affairs. This is going to help you a lot. You should never follow someone else’s notes because you can’t be sure that it is correct or not. 

Download Daily Current Affairs for UPSC From Best IAS Institutes

  • Legacy IAS Academy Bangalore
  • Elite IAS Academy
  • Vision IAS India
  • Rau’s IAS
  • Drishti IAS