Top 10 Myths About UPSC Exam 2023

Top 10 Myths About UPSC Exam 2023

UPSC Civil Services Exam

The UPSC exam for civil services is the most prestigious exam in our country. The exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission every year. UPSC is the only authority that is responsible to conduct Civil services exams for central government class-I services. 

As there are very few authentic information sources available for the UPSC civil service exam, there are 10 Myths About UPSC Exam always circulating around us. Let us understand and reveal the myths about the UPSC civil service exam.   

Top 10 Myths About UPSC Exam Busted

Myth #1 – Proficiency in English is the only gateway to success in UPSC Exam 

Reality – UPSC strictly follows the Constitution of India, UPSC gives freedom to choose any of twenty-two languages, listed in the Constitution of India. Aspirants must focus to convey his/her knowledge in through clear and simple manner. Language doesn’t matter as much as knowledge and elaboration skills.  

Myth #2 – There is no room for improvement in Writing Skills 

Reality – With serious and continuous practice, writing skills can be improved. It is a matter of Time that skills are to be sharpened with practice on a daily basis. To select a topic, search relevant content then elaborate the topic with your words will improve writing skills.  

Myth #3 – You need to memorize each and everything to clear UPSC exam:

Reality – Trying to memorize everything will not help you to clear the UPSC exam. This will lead to a huge mess up in exams and finally a disappointment in results. Rather than memorize everything, it is better to keep updated with selective topics. The stronghold on key concepts and revising it as much as possible will help to clear the exam.

Myth #4 – UPSC is a thing of Academic toppers only

Reality – It is not compulsory to be a rank holder through academics to clear the UPSC exam. UPSC history is full of examples with average or fluctuating academic career holders who crack their UPSC Civil Service Exam leaving an influence on the UPSC panel with their intelligence, knowledge, and high presence of mind skills rather than their academic career.  So, if you are serious and self-motivated towards UPSC preparation, it really doesn’t matter what marks you score in your boards and college exams. You just need to secure the minimum criteria set by UPSC rest is based on your preparation onwards.  

Myth #5 – Highly intensive study required to crack UPSC exam 

Reality – UPSC exam is the selection procedure to evaluate your knowledge, skills, personality, and interpersonal skills and Interviews, in general, are not just a selection test, it is a test of your overall knowledge and personality. It depends on your presentation skills. One has to be confident and presentable. Be specific and relevant with your content rather than highly intensive while preparing for IAS Civil Service Examination.

Myth #6 – UPSC Exams is the toughest exam to clear

Reality – This is true that the UPSC exam is tough to clear but if you are preparing with serious intentions then believe me it’s not much tough to crack the UPSC exam. A perfect strategy can help you to clear UPSC exams. Remember your fear and improper preparation strategy make this tough. 

Myth #7 – High number of study hours a day is guarantee to success in UPSC Exam 

Reality – It does not matter how long you study, for how many hours you study. The main thing is the quality of study material and the quality time which you spent on study. 

It is totally worthless to spend 14 or 16 hours during which you are just counting hours to pass. There must be distraction-free study even for a short span of time but in a regular and serious manner. 

Myth #8 – There is corruption in the selection procedure of UPSC?

Reality –   These are only rumors that corruption is in the selection procedure. You can just imagine that even the Interviewer panel doesn’t know with whom they are going to interview till they enter the interview room. But, yes, thugs are everywhere in society. They make you believe that they have connections in UPSC and they will arrange a deal for you where someone will accept a bribe in favor of letting you clear the interview. Trust me, in such a case you will lose your hard-earned money with no use. So never believe such thugs and have faith in your preparation.     

Myth #9 – Coaching classes are the guarantee to clear UPSC exam

Reality –  This is the era of the Technological revolution. This is the world of the internet and within a few seconds, you can access anything, anywhere. So, if you have a good sense then it will not be typical for you to search for the best study material, study schedule plan, audio-video notes, and other information over the internet. You just need dedication towards your aim. 

Believe me, you will never be required for any coaching to clear the UPSC exam. 

Myth #10 – UPSC Interview having less importance for those who secure good score in Prelims and Mains 

Reality – UPSC sets a pattern where all the sections are equally important to score separately even if you score well in prelims and mains, Interview is having equal importance and weightage. You must prepare for the interview seriously. The interview is the section where UPSC examines many of your personality traits, your behavior, critical thinking, pressure management, etc.

These are only 10 Myths About UPSC Exam. So, even if you clear your mains with a good score, never underestimate the interview. Be serious with your preparation. 


There are a lot of myths and misinformation that always remain in trend about the UPSC exams. There are very few sources available for authentic information about UPSC. Whenever there is any change proposed by UPSC it would be mentioned on UPSC’s official website. It is better to communicate with a reputed UPSC Coaching Institute in India or stay updated with information provided on UPSC official website.

Always believe in yourself and stay updated with authenticated information sources. Never be demoralized or distracted due to myths and misinformation.