Anthropology Optional Preparation Strategy for UPSC Exam 2023

Anthropology Optional Preparation Strategy for UPSC Exam 2023

Anthropology Optional Preparation Strategy

This Article is dedicated to those students who are looking for Anthropology Preparation Strategy for UPSC Exam. This will you to obtain good marks in Anthropology Optional Subjects

Anthropology is one of the UPSC exam’s optional texts. It is also one of the most interesting papers on which applicants can be assured of getting the highest possible ranking, and the syllabus is also relatively short. In Anthropology, the majority of issues are somewhat unchanged. These four benefits are the key reasons that students can take Anthropology Optional. Since UPSC is such a difficult test, candidates must use a specific technique in order to pass it. Since the UPSC is such a tough exam, applicants must use a special strategy in order to pass it.

Anthropology Optional Preparation Strategy for UPSC Exam

#1. Interpret the syllabus:

 It is important to read the syllabus of every option before deciding on it. The candidate’s strategy for Anthropology Optional begins with decoding the syllabus and determining which areas of concern he has. This will help you get a better understanding of the matter.

Recommended books for Anthropology:

  • Physical Anthropology – P. Nath
  • Outlines of Physical Anthropology – B.M.Das
  • Indian anthropology – R.N.Sharm
  • Tribal India – Nadeem Hasnain
  • An Introduction to Social Anthropology – Majumdar & Madan
  • Indian Anthropology – Nadeem Hasnain (Good source of case studies)
  • An Introduction to Social Anthropology – Makhan Jha
  • Tribal India – Nadeem Hasnain
  • Internet and newspapers for current events.

#2. Collecting notes and receiving coaching:

 The next step in How to Train Anthropology for UPSC is to gather all of the necessary resources. They must leave no stone unturned, collect all available tools, and enrol in a proper coaching class for their needs. Since the marks on the optional paper are so important in determining your final score, you must do extremely well on the paper of your choosing. Since the majority of the papers are required for all, the optional paper is the only one that will make or break your fate. As a result, I don’t want to do selective reading and take chances now that there is only one optional article.

Important Topics in Anthropology Papers I and II

  • Holism
  • Linguistic anthropology
  • Paleolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Cultures
  • Neolithic revolution
  • Relevance of anthropology
  • Branches of anthropology, various dating techniques
  • Copper bronze age
  • Culture, civilization
  • Family
  • Society
  • Marriage
  • Language, culture, and communication
  • Research methodology – genealogical method, techniques of data interpretation, observation, fieldwork significance in anthropology
  • Tribal topics

#3. Static paper:

The majority of anthropology’s questions are stagnant and clear. As a result, answers may be prepared before the test. And can be memorized and re-revised several times ahead of time. As a result, in anthropology, high marks are given.

#4. Diagrams:

When a topper is asked how to train for UPSC Anthropology Optional, he or she will quickly find out that graphs, flowcharts, and some other visual depiction are among the most critical aspects of the preparation. This efficient method saves time because diagramming is simpler than writing long paragraphs.

#5. Real examples: 

The easiest way to convince the interviewer that you have gained experience in the paper is to use live examples to demonstrate your skills. This can be accomplished by the use of case studies and illustrations. It is therefore essential to read and quote the annual tribal papers.

#6. Time to practice:

 When people ask how to prepare for UPSC Anthropology and how long it will take to write a response, the answer is 3 or 4 months, and it is critical to research for at least 4 hours a day to master this article. If a student has any concerns or suspicions, they should seek advice from their instructors or consult a previous year’s question paper. It is essential to practice drawing and writing a diagram.

How much time does it take to prepare?

If you study Anthropology 12-15 hours a week, it will take you 4-5 months. This should suffice. It all depends on how much you remember your graduation principles. Aspirants should plan on spending 4-5 months solely on the optional subject. For the UPSC IAS Mains Exam, we have provided the best strategies for the Anthropology alternative.

  • Aspirants should have a thorough understanding of the Anthropology optional syllabus.
  • To solve Paper-II, candidates should have a basic understanding of Anthropology.
  • Prepare brief remarks, a flowchart, and a sketch. These quick notes can come in handy when it’s time to revise.
  • Aspirants should ensure that they emphasize both environmental and economic aspects.
  • Aspirants who want agriculture as a career path should amend their information using the most recent data from the Government’s annual study on Anthropology, which tracks the government’s enforcement of ethical laws.
  • Solving previous year’s UPSC Mains issue papers is an essential aspect of UPSC IAS Exam planning. Aspirants in Anthropology should also look over previous year’s question papers and get a sense of exam patterns, developments, and so on.

Optional advantages of anthropology

In anthropology, the questions are usually straightforward.

  • As compared to core humanities subjects, it is called ranking. Since it is logical in nature, graphs and flowcharts can be used to make the responses more compelling.
  • This not only saves time while composing answers, but also helps you get better grades.
  • It has a relatively brief syllabus. If the best technique and research materials are used, it can be done in four months.
  • Candidates with a science or engineering background who do not want to take their graduation subjects as optional should consider this option.It’s a fascinating topic that’s also simple to grasp.
  • The output of this optional has been consistent, unlike some other common subjects.
  • The output of this optional has been consistent, unlike some other common subjects.
  • While there is less overlap with General Studies than with topics like political science, public policy, and economics, there is still some overlap.
  • If you have learned anthropology, you can find it easier to understand topics such as culture and social justice (parts of GS I, II).
  • The welfare of the poorer sections of society will be discussed in the GS ll paper under the Anthropology subject of Tribal Development.
  • Tribal dimensions can be quoted more effectively in the Essay Paper.
  • Tribal problems can be best approached with the Anthropology alternative in Ethics case studies.
  • Internal Security issues in GS ll can be better understood thanks to the Anthropology option.
  • A significant amount of biotechnology and genetics will be covered as well.
  • Because of a particular viewpoint, you can write responses on contemporary affairs in the light of anthropology and get decent grades. For example, anthropological research may be used to write about topics such as the ban on cow slaughter, social regulation, and so on.

Anthropology optional disadvantages

  • Unlike political science, geography, history, and other disciplines, guidance is minimal.
  • Proper instruction is required; otherwise, self-study would take a long time to complete the syllabus.
  • Because memorizing will not help you perform well in this optional, it is critical to provide conceptual consistency.

Read More:- UPSC Syllabus 2021