Management Optional Books and Syllabus for UPSC Exam

Management Optional Books and Syllabus for UPSC Exam

Management Books and Syllabus

What is UPSC?

UPSC is one of the examinations conducted by Union Public Service Commission. This exam is taken to recruit suitable candidates for the service.

There are three phases of this Exam

  • Preliminary Examination
  • Main Examination
  • Personality Test

Books to refer for management optional upsc exam

Management is the safe, optional subject as it stays consistent for the UPSC applicant even after freeing from the UPSC Exam. It is not a very famous optional, yet its execution has been relevant, and for students who excel in the UPSC exam every year, there are a few applicants with the optional. It is an essential element of an IAS officer’s career. He must perform administration and management, implementation, policy planning and allocation and practice of government funds, and much more. Therefore, candidates who work as a manager and proceed with management optional know that its scope is even broader

Like every other optional subject, management optional upsc exam requires referring to proper management optional upsc books. Paper 1 of management optional syllabus includes more concepts and less technical parts. You can’t even dream of cracking this paper without proper studying of management optional upsc books. Many students consider management optional as a safe optional to take.

Books to refer for paper 1

  • Financial Management by Prasanna Chandra
  • Management: Terry and Franklin; Koontz and Donnel ; Koontz and weihrich
  • Strategic Management: Michael Porter
  • Financial Management by Rustagi
  • Human Resource Management by K Aswathappa
  • Fundamentals of Management by DeCenzo, Agarwal, Bhattacharya and Robbins
  • Marketing Management by Philip Kotler
  • Cost and Management Accounting by MN Arora
  • Organization Behaviour by Stephen Robbins

Books to refer for paper 2

  • International Business by Hill and Jain
  • Business Environment by AC Fernando
  • Strategic Management by Hill and Jones
  • Management Information Systems by either Laudon or O’Brien
  • Quantitative Approaches to Management by Levin and Rubin
  • Operations Management by Heizer and Render

UPSC Management Syllabus

In 2019, 10.58 lack candidates appeared for the UPSC exam in India out of which only 10,564 could clear the exam. (UPSC news). Every year, thousands of students register themselves in UPSC exams with hopes of getting high-paying government jobs. But, surpassing lakhs of students in one of the high-demanding and toughest exams is no walk in the park.

However, it’s again the time of the year when all UPSC aspirants get the option to choose an optional subject. Out of 48 optional subjects, choosing one subject that is easy to score and relevant can be confusing. Management is one such crucial optional subject that often students feel hard to prepare, hence neglect it. In fact, only 1 in 10 UPSC candidates select the management subject and efficiently ace them because of low competition. Pursuing the management degree is not only essential to clear the exam but, it also helps you strategically make unbiased decisions.

Management Optional Syllabus Paper-I

#1. Managerial Function:

Idea and Foundations of Management Evolution of Management Thoughts, Managerial Functions, Decision Making, Role of Manager, Entrepreneurship, Management of Innovation, Flexible System, Social Responsibility, Managerial process on direct and indirect value chain.

#2. Human Resource Management:

HR challenges, HRM functions, Strategic Management of HR, Job Analysis, HR planning, JOB evaluation, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development,

Employee Morale, Audit, Productivity, HR information system

#3. Accounting for Manager:

Financial Accounting, Accounting Principles, Analysis of Balance Sheet, Measurement of Business Income, Inventory Valuation,  Cost Ledger, Record and Process, Zero Base Budgeting

#4. Marketing Management:

Concept Marketing Strategy, Designing and Managing, Marketing Channels, Building Customer Satisfaction, Consumer Protection. Internet Marketing, Retail Management, Customer Relationship Management, Pricing Strategy

Management Optional Syllabus Paper-II

#1. Quantitative Techniques in Decision Making:

Descriptive Statistics, Tabular Method, Numerical Method, Discrete and Continuous Probability, Inferential Distribution, Linear Programming, Hypothesis Testing, Simple Correlation, Regression, CHI square and ANOVA.

#2. Management Information System:

Conceptual Foundation of Information System, Types of Information System, Organising Data DSS and RDBMS, Expert System, E-Business, User Involvement, Flexibility in Information System

#3. Strategic Management:

Business Policy, Industry Analysis, Competitive Advantage of Firm, Growth Strategies, Nature and Scope of Strategic Management, the Experience Curve, Impact Matrix, Turnaround Management, Objective and Policies, Concept of Value Chain, BCG matrix, Strategic Alliances.

#4. International Business:

International Business Environment, Composition of Trade, Goods and Services, Foreign Trade, Policy and Trends, International Trade, Operation Management, Regional Economic Cooperation, International Taxation, Cross Borders Mergers, International Banking, External Debt Management, Country Risk Analysis.

#5. Financial Markets and Institutions:

 Indian Financial System: An Overview Money Markets: Participants, Structure, and Instruments. Commercial Banks. Reforms in the Banking sector. Monetary and Credit Policy of RBI. RBI as a Regulator.

#6. Government Business Interface:

State Participation in Business, Business and Different Chambers, Government policies, Small Scale Industries, Cyber Laws, Consumer Protection Act, Role of Voluntary, Consumer Rights, The responsibility of the  Business and as well as the Government to Protect the environment.          

Bottom Line

Management candidates need to make a conceptual study of knowledge of management as science and art. He must offer leading thinkers concepts to apply in real life and develop good leadership skills as per the demands of the post of IAS officer. Management candidates apply strategic plans for easy decision-making in government and business operative environments as the traits of IAS officers include the capability to take rapid action. Furthermore, the attributes of an IAS officer include supervising quarreling parties, resolving conflicts, and prompt response to pressures and emergencies. There is an incredible similarity to the roles that a manager has to operate in a corporate setup.

Management optional syllabus has been discussed in detail in this article. If you want to take this as an option, then go through this syllabus. Study your syllabus completely. Your preparation needs to have a strong grip. So, prepare well. Management optional is selected by a lot of people including people from the science field. Many students find this subject very interesting and vital for their future journey. If you have a great interest in this subject, cracking this optional exam will be very easy. Refer proper books, study smart, be consistent and revise. That’s all you need to crack the management optional UPSC Exam.

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