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Top 8 tips to Crack UPSC Exam in First Attempt

Strategies in Cracking of UPSC Exams in First Attempt

The UPSC – Union Public Service Commission exam is one of the toughest exams of the country. It is known to have very few success rates and there sure is no shortcut to crack the exams. Lakhs of aspirants all over the nation, try their level best to succeed in the exams, while very few are appointed successfully as the civil servants.

While looking at the number of aspirants approaching for the UPSC exams and its outcome results, one can easily say that it is not an easy task and requires a specialized approach. Many coaching centers are available for the students to make their exam preparations easier.

Among many coaching centres, All India Civil Service Coaching Centre Chennai is known to be one of the most famous centres in the country and has also successfully presented many civil servants to the nation.

The following are a few of the tips to crack the UPSC exams which have been specially disclosed by the IAS toppers. So, let’s take a look at some of the following expert’s tips.

Tip 1 – When is the right time to start the UPSC Preparation

Many of the toppers have said that they begin the preparation at least a year before the exam. It will surely take a year to complete the vast syllabus while demanding a complete understanding of the topics. One must not learn just for the exams but must understand the topic thoroughly.

All their focus, attention and everything must be dedicated entirely for the preparation of the exam. They must stop all other activities and focus only on their UPSC preparation.

Tip 2 – How to choose an optional subject for UPSC

One would surely feel motivated and encouraged at the beginning of their preparation. But it will slowly become difficult as the days and time pass, and it will be hard to concentrate to prepare for the exam. Hence to make your long hour’s preparation continues till the end, one must make sure they choose the subject which they find interesting.

The subjects must be carefully selected according to their interest and must not be forced upon them. Only then you will succeed till the end.

The following are a few of the check-list for how to select the optional.

  • The whole list of the optional subjects must be narrowed down into 3-4 subjects whom you will be able to pursue.
  • Make sure you check out the syllabi of the shortlisted subjects.
  • Check out your level of knowledge and academic background based on the subjects.
  • See if you are interested in the subject and not because you are being compelled.
  • Consult others but make your decision while choosing the subject.
  • Check out the pros and cons of each of the subjects.
  • Finally, choose the subject which you feel you are confident to pursue ahead.

Tip 3 – How to make notes for IAS

This is considered one of the main techniques and is also guaranteed by most of the IAS toppers. Taking notes while learning has proved to be very helpful and also helps in memorizing faster.

One can always check the notes later, and they will immediately get the prime points. It helps in organizing your learning content and makes the recollection of the study easier. Always have your handy book ready and whenever you get the points, note it down. This will it will help in the preparation process easier and simpler.

Tip 4 – How to write answers in UPSC

The most important point in writing the answer is the presentation of the paper. The paper should be spotless, and one must make sure they include flowcharts, diagrams, etc. wherever necessary to amplify the answers. The diagrams and related works help to depict a clear and complete understanding of the content and the answers and would help you in getting more marks.

The other best way to score high marks is to make your paper as attractive as possible. But that does not mean you fill the paper with diagrams or flowcharts. These must be included but in limitations keeping your paper readable, simple, compact and neat.

Tip 5 – NCERT books for UPSC

There are many numbers of books for the preparation of the UPSC exams. But one must make sure they start the preparation with the NCERT textbooks. The concept and the content in the NCERT book are simple and easy to understand. It is advisable to read the NCERT books from the grade of sixth to grade twelve for the related subjects.

It is also advisable that it is not necessary to buy all the books to prepare for the UPSC exams. Buy only those which you will read. Avoid stacking of books as very soon you will start losing interest in learning just by the sight of looking at the piled books. Complete a few books and then proceed to buy with other books. The main point here is to purchase books which you feel interested in and is relevant to your subject.

Tip 6 – Newspaper for UPSC

All the aspirants of UPSC know that newspapers are one of the essential tools in the preparation process. It is recommended that one must read the newspaper daily so that they are aware of the current affairs of the nation and the world.

Reading newspapers must become an indispensable part of your preparation process.

The toppers recommend that The Indian Express and The Hindu are good papers for the IAS preparation.

Tip 7 – UPSC Test Series

Your UPSC is considered incomplete if you do not take your mock test of the Mains and Prelims. They will give you an idea as to where you stand in your preparation and will help you to prepare further for your exams. It will also help you give an idea of the paper.

Tip 8 – Stay healthy

Do not forget to ignore your health in the preparation process. Only when you are healthy, you will have a solid preparation. Apart from studying, make sure you follow your daily routine like sleep, eat, and it is ok to have fun once a week. Keep yourself away from stress and relax and enjoy the preparation process.

Useful Read:

  1. Check the list of Best IAS Coaching in Delhi
  2. Top 10 IAS Coaching in Chennai
  3. UPSC Exam preparation- some must follow don’ts for assured success
  4. Top 5 Tips to Crack the IAS Exam on the First Attempt
  5. Best 4 Scoring & Non-Technical Optional Subjects in IAS Exam
  6. How to Prepare for IAS Effectively – Ultimate IAS Preparation Guide
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