How to score good marks in Every Examination?

How to score good marks in Every Examination?

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Pre Boards, boards, Unit tests, Semesters these are the synonyms of examinations that we take. These are also the synonyms of the tensions that we have taken in our life at every stage. Even to prove and improve performance, we have to keep on giving exams in this competitive life. So, we should learn the basics that to pass and pass with flying colors there is a difference.

Only mugging up things doesn’t help there are several ‘good habits’ we have to inculcate in our life. Here are some tips that one should adopt to score good marks in every examination.

Check what your style of learning is or create one style, do you like to learn by writing or saying it aloud. Develop your own style of learning like teaching methodology, it also helps in learning. Explaining and teaching someone else helps in our revision and understanding.

Without knowing what your weapon is (learning methodology), how you will create strategies and your war tactics to win (to crack an examination). Make sure you develop a learning style and follow it.

Test your information:

Solve previous year question papers; it will help you to gain insight into your current situation and understanding. Make sure you give the test in a typical exam surrounding, time limit, and format. This will help you to boost your confidence.

Without developing a timetable or making a study plan there will be only roads to walk on without destination. There is a reason that books are divided into chapters and there are lessons to complete its syllabus in a specific time-frame. So, make sure you make a timetable, and if you have to study different subjects, let us say 6 then pick three subjects on alternative days, make sure you complete the revision ‘also’.

What you have read on day 1 should be revised on day 3 and day 5 and so on so forth. Important days when the learning will be imbibed in your mind is 2nd, 7th, 15th, and 30th day.

Note-making and its technique matters, before exam day you will not have time to read the whole book. ‘Note’ help during revision. Do Not copy lines from a book or mark each line, try to search important words and make answer in your own language.

Note-making technique is crucial as it will help you in at each stage of your examination. You will have to complete notes once and later you can quickly glance through your notes instead of books. Write notes in your hand-writing as it will assist the learning process of the brain.

Do not hesitate to ask for help if you need one. Sometimes we don’t like to ask questions due to some XYZ reasons. Well, this is not a good habit. If you want to score more then you need to be curious. It is curiosity which has led to many discoveries and inventions.

At least your curiosity will fetch you good marks. So be curious and quench your thirst for knowledge. If people can’t help you with your questions then books will, search for your answer in books, read a lot of books to know the answers.

Make tiny goals and achieve them, you don’t climb stairs at one go, you take one step at a time, this is what we have to imitate while studying. We need to make sure that the lessons you have divided are completed on a daily basis. This way your mind will be stress-free.


Every great individual manages time properly. This is the key to success; if you know ‘how’ to manage time then surely you will attain success. Remember everyone has the same 24 hours, still few people accomplish more, and this is due to time-management.

Wake up early, plan your day, exercise, and have to make sure you make your lesson plan of the day and a ‘dos’ list. Be realistic, don’t go overboard.

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I hope you will adopt the changes by 1% every day, this is the bare minimum, and once achieved you will see drastic changes in yourself and your score.

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