INS Sharda Awarded for Anti-Piracy Operations

In a display of swift action and resolve. The Indian Naval ship INS Sharda was awarded the prestigious “On the Spot Unit Citation” by the Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral R Hari Kumar. This recognition stems from INS Sharda’s successful anti-piracy operation. Which secured the release of 19 crew members from a hijacked Iranian fishing vessel.

INS Sharda: Guardian of the Seas

INS Sharda, a stalwart of the Indian Navy, has recently garnered national attention for its pivotal role in a successful anti-piracy operation.  This valiant act highlights the capabilities and significance of this indigenously built vessel. Let’s delve deeper into the details of INS Sharda.

A Product of Indian Ingenuity

INS Sharda belongs to the indigenously designed and constructed Sukanya-class patrol vessels.  These advanced vessels are crafted by Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL) in collaboration with the Indian Navy’s Directorate of Naval Design.  INS Sharda’s commissioning ceremony took place in 2013. Marking a significant milestone in India’s self-reliance in naval shipbuilding.

Designed for Versatility

With a length of around 102 meters and a displacement of 2,400 tons. INS Sharda boasts an impressive operational range and endurance at sea.  Its versatile design equips it for a multitude of maritime security roles.(including patrolling territorial waters, conducting surveillance missions, and undertaking search and rescue operations)

Packing a Punch

INS Sharda is well-armed to deter threats and defend itself.  Its armament includes a 76 mm main gun, a 30 mm secondary gun for close-in defense, and two multi-caliber machine guns.  Additionally, it is equipped with a sophisticated surveillance radar system and carries shoulder-launched missiles for enhanced defense capabilities.

Helicopter Power

An integral part of INS Sharda’s arsenal is its ability to operate a helicopter.  The helicopter launchpad and hangar onboard allow for the deployment of helicopters for reconnaissance, surveillance, and maritime patrol missions.  This airpower extension significantly expands INS Sharda’s operational reach and effectiveness.

Crew: The Backbone of the Ship

The core of INS Sharda’s strength lies in its well-trained and dedicated crew.  Comprising officers and sailors, the crew undergoes rigorous training to operate the ship’s complex systems, weaponry, and sensors.  Their expertise and professionalism are paramount in ensuring the successful execution of missions and upholding the highest standards of maritime security.

A Symbol of India’s Maritime Prowess

INS Sharda’s recent anti-piracy operation exemplifies the growing prowess of the Indian Navy in safeguarding the nation’s maritime interests and contributing to international security efforts.  This patrol vessel, a testament to India’s shipbuilding capabilities, serves as a vital line of defense for the nation’s territorial waters and plays a crucial role in maintaining the free flow of trade on the high seas.

Details of the Operation

The Iranian fishing vessel, named “Omari,” was suspected of being hijacked by pirates off the East Coast of Somalia. Based on intelligence gathered through naval Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA), INS Sharda intercepted the vessel and maintained discreet surveillance throughout the night.

Sharda’s Daring Move

At dawn, INS Sharda deployed its integral helicopter and a specialized Prahar team. The assertive presence and potential for decisive action by the Indian Navy team compelled the pirates to release the crew unharmed. This successful operation by INS Sharda highlights the Indian Navy’s commitment to safeguarding maritime trade and ensuring the safety of seafarers in the region.

Recognition for Bravery

The “On the Spot Unit Citation” is a distinguished honor bestowed upon exceptional units of the Indian Navy for their singular acts of exceptional courage, skill, and resourcefulness. This recognition serves as a testament to the professionalism, bravery, and meticulous planning that characterizes the crew of INS Sharda.

Significance of the Operation

Piracy continues to pose a threat to international maritime security. Particularly in the Gulf of Aden and off the Somali coast.

The successful intervention by INS Sharda demonstrates India’s commitment to international cooperation in combating piracy and ensuring the free flow of commerce on the high seas.